Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shell V-Power Racing Ferrari Model v2.

Today, I have completed my task to collect all the items that I've targeted for all this time. Its hectic and quite taking my time rushing here and there to get these things. But for me, it's totally worth it.

The Shell logo is totally nice, printed on top of the plastic case, or should be mentioned precisely- acrylic case.

No need to throw away the garage's box, it can keep my Ferrari model boxes inside for future needs. It's my habit to keep boxes from what I have bought. Until now, sometimes the box is very useful especially when I planned to sell it to interested persons.

The name plate is quite exclusive. But too short, I think.

The base plate is made from plastic and it is adjustable to suits your viewing pleasure. The checkered floor suits the word 'RACING' on Shell V-Power. The only one thing that I dissatisfied is the raised base plate to hold the three cars. Quite un-realistic for a place called garage. (but it looks like a mechanic repair room, LOL; in my oppinion!!)

At last, I have my own Shell V-Power Racing Collector's Garage 2009. However, I'm quite sad because the case was pre-arranged for 7 cars only. Shell is giving away 8 models actually - the one missing from the garage is Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano (Yellow). You can refer it here for my complete Ferrari lineup that I've collected before. I'm not interested at the race track because my main purpose for getting these cars is for display.... in my bedroom. Hahahahaha.

Well, for other collectors, happy hunting!!


  1. gua tak paham sunggoh la.. nape ramai sgt obses ngan ferrari tuh.. gua beli bagi anak buah gua wat main dalam selut je. heh!!

  2. mcm best je keluaran terbaru neh..
    keluaran dulu pun aku sentuh sekali je kat rumah tu..huhuhu

  3. mi no spik inglish, mi no pilpom..
    our economy has no problems, our fundamental is strong..

  4. what the hell are u talking mr acece??.hhahaha

    mus-adik aku dulu keje Shell..dia pon collect gak ferrari nieh..baru2ni dia gi tempat keje lama dia dapat free jer..hahha

  5. Pokemon mus, Hang jgn tipu hang naik moto cammane hang ble isi minyak smpi RM40 heegget nak bli sebiji menatang tuh.. Aku baru ada 5 biji ja.. tidakkkk!!!!

  6. @Amin,
    aku tau aku terer.... hahahahaha.


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